Sunday, August 17, 2008

Changes, changes

So, I really believe it's true - we don't know what we have until it's gone, or how good we have it till it all goes down the drain. It just hit me today that my cousin is really moving across the country to go to college for the next few years and we won't get to just all sit at the dinner table, like we do every couple of weeks, and just goof off with the rest of the family. I'm going to miss that.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New Haircut

All of my friends and family are all getting new cute haircuts, and I had mine the same way for the last few years, so I decided "what the heck!, it's only hair", if I did not like I would just have to wait and let it grow.

Got my hair chopped off (about 5in. gone), and it's now above my shoulders. I was a bit surprised about how much I like it, actually.

Photos coming soon!

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

My Lola.............

My Little Lola ( not really sure about the camera)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Wonderful day on the bay - sunny and not too hot.
It was an excellent day to cook some crabs and go out on the boat, hang out on the dock and relax.

[Bella relaxing on the dock]


Thursday, August 30, 2007

A week after school started

So after a week and a half after school started a school bus showed up (way too early for me - as long as the moon is still out I believe it's too early to be out of bed, but oh well).

Monday, August 27, 2007

Just for Laughs

Here's what I heard from the kids today, totally silly. Here it goes:
-Knock, knock.
-Come in!!
-No your supposed to say "Who's there?", let's try again
-Knock, knock.
-Come in!!
-You have to say "Whos's there?".
-Why would I say "Who's there?" when I know it's you?
-Oh, never mind.... (and walks away)

Maybe it was funnier when it happened, but I just had to share.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Favorite Family Recipe

This is my favorite family recipe, my grandmother makes this for every holiday, and any other time that I wold ask her for it. It is great warm right out of the oven, or the next day straigh from the fridge with a little bit of mayo to top it.
Here it is: Tuna Cake
1 large can of tuna; 1 lb of potatoes (cooked and smashed); 3 egg yolks; 1/2 cup milk; 1 tbsp butter; 2 tsp green onion (chopped); 3 egg whites (whipped till very fluffy); salt (to taste); bread crumbs (very fine - if needed put it in food processor for about 45 sec), mayo (thin layer to cover cake).
Directions: Mix together the tuna, potaotes (smashed, kind of halfway to mashed potatoes but while there still are some lumps), egg yolks, milk, butter, green onions, and salt, until well blended. Add the fluffy egg whites slowly mixing it by hand. Pour into flutted cake pan, that has been spread with butter and then coated with the bread crumbs. Bake it @ 350f until golden brown on top (about 45 min to 1 hour). Let cool before taking it out of the pan. It can be served then, or can be taken to fridge to cool and harden a bit more.
My grandmother would just serve the slices this way and have mayo on the side to top it on the plate, but it can also after taking it out of the pan be covered with a thin layer of mayo and kept in the fridge till it is time to serve.
Essa e' a minha receita de familia favorita, minha avo' sempre faz para a ceia de Natal, e tambem quando pedia para ela. E' otimo para comer assim que sai do forno, ou no dia seguinte direto da geladeira com um pouquinho de maionese junto.
Receita: Pudim de Atum
1 lata de atum- 1/2 kg de batatas cozidas e amassadas- 3 gemas- 1/2 xícara (chá) de leite- 1 colher (sopa) de margarina- 2 colheres (chá) de cheiro verde picadinho- 3 claras em neve- sal a gosto- farinha de rosca- maioneseModo de PreparoJunte o atum, as batatas, as gemas, o leite, a margarina o cheiro verde, o sal e misture bem. Acrescente as claras em neve misturando delicadamente. Despeje em uma forma de buraco untada e bem polvilhada com farinha de rosca e leve ao forno quente até o pudim ficar dourado. Desenforme depois de frio e cubra com maionese, decorando a gosto. Deixe na geladeira até a hora de servir.